I took this picture the first time I made Kushari but never ended up getting it up on the blog. Unfortunately Friday went anything as planned and we ended up at my mother in law's house using her barbecue instead.
Basically all h-e- double hockey sticks broke loose. lol. The baby was crying, I was starving and she wouldn't stop eating so I couldn't get anything done. So my husband volunteered to make dinner. The pot he wanted to use to cook the rice was dirty so he went to wash it and turned on the tap and. . . .BAM! Water EVERYWHERE! Clear across the kitchen!! Baby started screaming louder, husband yelled "grab the baby!" Wife (me) completely exhausted was like Oh my Gosh now what?!
Luckily something had broken off the front of the tap so there was only a huge spray if you turned it on. So we cleaned up the mess, called my husband's mother and headed over there with a couple of packages of ground beef. Not at all as we'd planned and probably not as tasty in the end but we were fed and happy and had a nice visit.
So, at any rate as I've mentioned before, we've made Kushari before and it's very good so I'll leave you the recipe so you can try it for yourself. :)
1 Cup GF small shell pasta
1 Cup White Rice
1 Cup Canned lentils
1 medium diced Onion
1/4 tsp Garlic powder
1 tsp Ground cumin
1 tsp Ground cumin
1 (14 1/2oz) can chopped Tomatoes
1) Cook White Rice and pasta
2) Fry Onion, garlic powder, and cumin
3) Add Lentils and Tomatoes to Onion mixture, cook until warmed through.
4) Mix together Rice, Pasta, and Lentil mixture.
5) Serve
Great recipe! thanks for sharing. i found you on Foodista.